While Intercessors Arrive, is the name of a ministry begun shortly after the events of 9/11, to promote national and corporate prayer, as well as personal prayer- it is also the title of the new book, Intercessors Arrive (Navpress) by Debbie Przybylskim, which happens to be just as relevant and practical for individual personal development as well. Far too many people overlook for importance and power of prayer, which is essentially our means of personal communication with God, our creator. Faith is one thing, but without a personal dialog with God, we cut off so many blessings and intercessions which could otherwise offer comfort and security in the pressures of society we all face. God is our best friend, and our advocate. prayer is the lifeline to this relationship.
For many of us, if not most, human relationships, friends and teachers are important for practical support and well being. We take the advice of trusted friends, associates and if we are lucky enough to find one, a mentor or teacher. All too often, mentors of character and wisdom are hard to find: that is where this book comes in. We can not always find a trusted friend who is there to remind us about what would Jesus do in a particular situation, or how the bible would tell us to respond. When we are angry and hurt its easy to find a friend who will urge us and even help us plot our revenge, but to find a friend that tells us to love our enemies, and that revenge is best left to God, is perhaps a bit more of a challange. When our relationships are hurting and broken, the world tells us it is okay to make an escape, but in contrast, a godly mentor tells us how to have the humility to repair broken relationships and please God.
Prayer is a powerful tool that should not be overlooked. The author intends this book to be a mentor manual for prayer. In otherwords its like having a mentor or an instruction manual right in your pocket, so that you can learn how to be a prayer super hero. As big a claim this seems to be, I believe this goal is achieved in theis book for those who actually take their time to read as well as meditate on its suggestions. The author is not promoting her own agenda or a program, but rather the power of God's word in the bible- and how our prayers can be based on biblical promises. For example the section, "Prayers of Faith for the Impossible", highlights how God's qualities of power, love and justice can intervene in our lives to make what seems the most hopeless or impossible, to be possible when we pray. Also mentioned is the importance of humility as well. Przybylski's ideas are grounded with biblical verses and examples, not simply weak personal stories or anecdotes. The words of this book are substantiated by the bible itself, not merely by lame, heartwarming, feel-good types of stories which sadly, are found in so many self help and inspirational style books. This book provides ideas and instructions on how to harness the power of prayer, which for some of us, may not come so naturally. This is not simply a feel good book: it does not teach about entitlement or about wealth and prosperity. It is a character building book instead.
You need not be an expert on theology or a high profile religious preacher to enjoy this book. This book is intended for everyone, even for those who perhaps have never even read the bible. It is for anyone who has a genuine desire to seek the truth about what God and who seeks to have God's help. Near the end on page 191 a brief synopis of the gospel message of the bible is shared to ensure that each and every reader understands the purpose and importance of having a relationship with God. Perhaps you are not interested in saving the world, or changing the world. You may be overwhelmed with your own personal crisis and issues, that saving the world takes a back seat to your own worries- nevertheless, this is just the book for you. But maybe, perhaps, if just enough people in this world cared enoughed to try and straighten out even their own lives through prayer, then we would have resolved indirectly many of the social injustices and inequites via a reverse trickle effect- from the bottom on up. In the end, this book lives up to its message on the back cover: "When God's Spirit Moves Change Happens". I recieved this book free of charge as a book reviewer for Navpress publishers. The reviews expressed are my own.
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