Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Practice of Godliness by Jerry Bridges

The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges

The Practice of Godliness: Small Group Curriculum by Jerry Bridges is a companion book to the Pursuit of Holiness, also by the same author.  Nevertheless, this compainion study guide may be used as a stand alone study for those who have not read Bridges' Pursuit of Holiness.  Although intended for small group study use or bible study, this book is perfectly suitable for individual use as well.  Along with the text, there is plenty of space for free writing on the margins under "notes and observations" on each page.  Additionally, there are structured study questions as well, which are based in the themes of The Pursuit of Holiness.  The last chapter includes advice for group leaders who choose to host a bible study group.
The Pursuit of Holiness, of which this guide is based, and the study guide, The Practice of Godliness, is an indepth study into the biblical definition of the expression, holiness and Godliness. The words- holiness and Godliness- in of themselves, bring to mind many stereotypical ideas into the common mind, such as the hypocritical holiness of the pharisees in Jesus' day or the modern day, self- righteous hyporcite that is all too common in today's society. Or perhaps, an image of a stern, nun in a black habit, or a peacful, draped monk, engaged in meditation may come to mind. This book dispells the popular misconceptions of what society percieves holiness to mean, and brings to life the biblical and practical meaning of holiness. Deeply based on biblical scripture, this book is a study into what the bible describes as holiness, showing the reader that it is not an unattainable attribute, but rather something that each of us, as believers, are called to pursue.This study guide/ book is direct and to the point with very little extraneous detail. For anyone who has the desire and the attention span to spend some thoughtful time, into studying what the bible really has to say on the subject of holiness and Godliness, this is the right study  for you. As a blogger for Navpress, I recieved a copy of this book for the purpose of writing this review.

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