Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blind Hope by Kim Meeder and Laurie Sacher

Blind Hope: An Unwanted Dog & the Woman SHe Rescued by Kim Meeder and Laurie Sacher, published by Multinomah publishers, is a real life inspirational story of faith and  a woman's bond with her beloved dog.  The author's writing style is reminiscent of that of motivational speaker, in which she speaks personally to the reader. From page one, her writing talent is obvious- such as her command of the written language, and poetic description.  These traits are rare in modern writing.  Many real life stories are often written with the same enthusiasm as a newspaper article- but this is not the case here!

 Basically the bond between Laurie and her canine companion, mirrors that of a very close human relationship or friendship.  It isn't neccessarily the animal- human relationship, that is the focus of the story but rather the significance of the trust, and love that develops, coupled with faith in God.  This book is sure to appeal to any animal friendly person or dog enthusiast.   In fact, I believe this book is a great outreach tool for any animal lover or troubled person in need of encouragement.  One thing to keep in mind, the strong fondness of animals expressed in  this book most likely will be understood by pet owners themselves.  The author states on page 4, "In matters of life, dogs just get it.  Sevi has taught me volumes more than I could ever hope to teach her.  When it comes to qualities like respect, forgivenes, obedience and expressing emotions like love, joy, and peace, my dog operates on a level I can only hope to obtain." Considering the fact that this author obviously is not the anti social, psycopathic type of personality and therefore probably high on the list of people capable of empathy, optimism, and kindness, this statement apparently  reflects a very high opinion of dogs, specifically her do of which an enthusiastic dog owner will have little trouble relating.  Black and white photos are included within the text of the story for illustrative purposes.  In the end of the book, the gospel message is clear so that no reader will have completed the book without first hand having heard the message of Salvation through Jesus.  As a blogger for WaterBrook Multnomah, I revieved a copy of this book for the purpose of writing this review.

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