Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bridges on the Journey by Gigli Busa, Ruth Fobes, Judy Miller and Vollie Sanders

Bridges on the Journey: A Woman's Journey of Discipleship- Choosing an Intimate Relationship with Jesus by Gigli Busa, Ruth Fobes, Judy Miller and Vollie Sanders, is a perfect beginner bible study to introduce a person to the bible and the gospel message.  At first glance, this spiral bound study guid appears to be pretty indepth and technical, but upon further study, the reader will find a simple, basic introduction to the bible, as well as the gospel message.  Specifically, this book is intended for women, considering the context of this study is intended for a small women's study group.  Nevertheless, this bible study could be adapted for individual use as well.  This book is actually the first in a series or trilogy of related study guides- but it is suitable as a stand alone study as well.

There are additional helpful guides included in this study guide.  On page 27 there is a diagram of the Old Testament books and the New Testament books with brief exlplanations offered as well.  For example, the individual books of teh bible are grouped into categories such as history, poetry, prophets, gospels and letters- which serve in aiding the reader in becoming more familiar with the bible.  There is also an illustration- often used in outreach pamphlets and tracts, depicting the cross of Jesus as the bridge between mankind and God on page 19.  There are six pregressive sections leading to pregressive groth in bible knowledge.  Included are study questions and space for readers to answer the open ended questions.  Included in the end of this guide are leader guidlines in the appendix as well as a convienient handy chart to list bible study friends.  Also included are detachable book marks.  As a blogger for Navpress publishers I recieved this book for the purposes of writing a review and the opinions expressed are my own. 

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