Monday, October 22, 2018

NKJV, Spirit-Filled Life Bible, Third Edition, Hardcover Kingdom Equipping Through the Power of the Word By Jack W. Hayford

NKJV, Spirit-Filled Life Bible, Third Edition, Hardcover Kingdom Equipping Through the Power of the Word

By Jack W. Hayford

The NKJV  Spirit Filled life bible is the newly revised edition of the original.  This new edition features full color graphics to place emphasis on the study features.

This themed bible places emphasis on spiritual gifts and is consistent charismatic Christian tradition which places emphasis on modern day spiritual gifts such as tongues.  This issue of spiritual gifts is divisive enough to cause distinct denominations within the Christian church.  Nevertheless, the ideas of spiritual gifts is not a major doctrine and therefore not an issue of theology that is fundamental to faith.  The idea behind charismatic believers is that the gift of tongues and other physical miracles from the ancient church and apostles is still available today to all believers.  And then there are bible believers who are just as solid in their faith who believe that these spiritual signs are no longer available having served their purpose in the early church and Jesus' lifetime and that Jesus is the only testimony we need.  Furthermore, charismatic churches believe in a second "installment" or "infusion" of the Holy Spirit distinct from what the believer receives when he is born again.  These concepts are very well explained in the articles and reference materials in the back of this bible.  Basically anything you wanted to know about the history and biblical roots of the charismatic movement is here in this bible! This bible is like Charismatics 101- an introductory course as well as more advanced indepth material as well.

Within the bible text there are sidebars of information clearly designated from the bible text.  The reader will find concepts such as "Word Wealth" and "Kingdom Dynamic" which provides more information and expands on biblical concepts, theology and terminology.  The end of the bible books include "Truth in Action" charts as well. All these helps draw the reader into a deeper understanding of the bible and its message.  Word Wealth is basically like a dictionary, defining a specific word or concept. There are also maps and charts throughout.  The subtle insertion of color breaks up the monotony of the columns and sets apart the biblical helps.  

This bible is a great choice for those who wish to build their faith.  I would like to see this bible in the NIV or NLT version as well for those who prefer reading a more modern translation. 

As a blogger for Book Look bloggers I received a copy of this bible for the purpose of writing this review.

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