Monday, June 27, 2016

Body By Design, by Alan L. Gillen

Body By Design, by Alan L. Gillen is a high school textbook  that integrates knowledge from anatomy and physiology with biblical creation. Whether you want to learn more about the body's central nervous system, cardiac system or respiratory system- every body system is covered in this comprehensive text.  Filled with sharp photographs and classically drawn medical images, anatomy will jump out at the reader.  This is one of the best anatomy  books written for students that I have read.

Written in a graphically appealing style- sharp state of the art, up close diagrams bold fonts, and bold graphics, this informative book is perfect for kids of all ages, especially high school. This book is not only an authority on anatomy and physiology and every body system, but it is entertaining to read as well.

This book is divided into chapters or sections based body system categories.  There is the science of every body system, and organ and even the functions at the cellular level.  The plethora of information makes this so much more than an academic text, but a great resource to return to year after year.  The indepth material covered makes it a good study guide for college level science and health studies.  As a recent graduate of nursing school, I appreciated the accuracy and scholarship of research of this text.  Any reader from younger students and adults students as well, will have a well rounded experience with the combination of science and its integration with biblical truth. In this day and age of secularism, it is more important than ever to see how science and faith go hand in hand.

 The presentation of this book- its  magazine article  styled layout, photos and graphics makes this anatomy subject jump out at the reader. The biological complexity portrayed in this  book testifies to God's glory.  This unexpected way of looking at this body system is sure to leave impressionable young minds with a lasting taste of God's magnificent wonder. I found the information to be accurate and the terminology to be consistent with the subject matter.  The scientific and medical depictions and graphs are accurate as well as visually appealing. The explanations as well as the medical illustrations make concepts about the brain, spine and synapses, easy to understand.  I wish I had this book a few years ago as I was taking my anatomy courses.  The only change I would like to see is a full color version of this book. As a blogger for Moms of Master Books I received a copy of this for the purpose of writing this review.

This book is available at New Leaf Press

Visit New Leaf Press for more educational titles.

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