Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Everlasting Hope:Inspirational Messages that Encourage, Motivate and Heal in any Situation

Everlasting Hope:Inspirational Messages that Encourage, Motivate and Heal in any Situation is a newly published compendium of articles written by thirty different contributing authors.  These inspirational writers were selected from the best Charisma House publishers authors in order to create a book of over 40 devotional styled articles. Each article is its own chapter, written by a difféent contributer about a subject of faith and hope.  In the words of Jovan Bolden, Imprint Editor at Charisma House, the purpose of this book is to strengthen "your spiritual muscles" (introduction)

The articles are brief and simple, yet based on scripture- perfect for anyone going through grief, hardship or other life crisis. From the very first articles, I found the messages to be relevant to those going through real life circumstances and disappointment. It was an unexpected surprise to see the relevancy of these brief articles.  This is not prosperity preaching, cliche messages- but true encouragement for those going through hard  times with job loss, lost opportunities and health issues.  For example no one ever considered the story behind the would be apostle that was ultimately rejected as Judas Iscariot's replacement in the book of acts.  But the author offers a new perspective on what many modern day readers would otherwise perceive as the ultimate rejection.  The messages are consistent with scripture. This book is one I will keep and worth re-reading. As a blogger for Booketeria I received a copy of this book published by Charisma House for the purpose of writing this review.

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