Bulwark by Brit Lunden is a modern day fairytale with a plot twist that horror fans will love. Ironically, in the midst of the action and the eerie horror, there is a prevailing message of hope and inspiration that may be learned from this paranormal tale, as one of the main characters, Dolly reveals "grace.. comes from maturity, the elegance of a lifetime is experience. Growing old is not about age, it's learning to look at life and love with the eye of knowing the difference between right and wrong..." Lunden,B. ( 2018).
Bulwark: Columbia S.C. These timeless words of comfort and wisdom which will reach out directly to the reader, are found in the most unlikely of places in the most eerie of settings.
Brit Lunden, is the pseudo-name for the beloved modern writer of both children's fiction and history, Carole P. Roman. Once again the author proves her versatility and talent in delivering a suspenseful horror tale reminiscent of a creepy old fairytale involving monsters and witches and an old gingerbread house. For those readers who enjoy scie-fi and paranormal television shows like
Grimm and
Supernatural, this action packed novel is fast paced, and eerily spooky. From page one, I could not put the book down, wanting to find the mystery behind the enigmatic old house and the connection with the towns missing children. People and places are not what they appear to be as an evil lurks beyond a façade of innocence and fantasy. Fans of modern day horror will not be disappointed in this story which will keep the reader engaged until the end. An unexpected treat is the second alternative ending that the author includes after the completion of the story. Bulwark is Roman's first work of fiction for adult readers. I look forward to seeing more works published by the author. As a blogger I received a copy of this book for the purpose of writing this review. I definitely recommend this book to all fans of horror and supernatural fiction. This book is available on Amazon as well as Barnes and Nobles Online.