Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Read and Share Look, I'm Reading! Bible Storybook By Gwen Ellis
Look, I'm Reading! Bible Storybook By Gwen Ellis is a new story book bible for young children featuring picture codes within the text. This book is perfect for emerging readers and pre-schoolers. By replacing key words with graphics, the child can fill in the story by looking at the picture which represents the missing word. The cartoon like drawings are simple- similar to a doodle. The child becomes an active participant of the story by looking at the image and by completing the sentences. This book is yet another way to add variety to bible storytelling. As a blogger for Booklook I received a copy of this book published by Tommy Nelson for the purpose of writing this review.
Red-Blooded American Male: Photographs by Robert Trachtenberg
Red-Blooded American Male: Photographs by Robert Trachtenberg is a modern book of photography featuring photoshoots of actors, musicians and other well known media figures. It is difficult to categorize this eccentric book into a specific genre. While it features known faces and figures from popular culture and modern media- the selection of subjects as well as the themed photoshoots seem to be aligned with a smaller niche of readers. Possibly the term "Red- Blooded American Male" is a euphemism that may be appreciated by some readers. The varied mix of eclectic fashion ranging from complete nudity, to partial nudity to extravagant costumes and women's wear add an unexpected element. This book challenges gender roles and stereotypes as well as the traditional perceptions of well known celebrities by creating a mix- up like none other. Ironically, in the preface, the author addresses the question as to who would actually "pay good money" to buy this book. Ironically, I feel the shock value of this book is what will drive readers to invest in this book. This book of photography may be considered art by some readers and to others- part of a social movement to reject traditional roles and values. In the end, the best way to describe this work is a book of alternative art and photography. At least for those traditional readers- if you pull off the full color jacket featuring a reclining male in fishnets dressed in grey in a room with color coordinated decor- you will find the glossy black binding, and contemporary yet minimalist cover to fit very well with the books on your book shelf. As a blogger I received a copy of this book published by Amphoto Book for the purpose of writing this review.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
NIV, Journal the Word Bible
NIV, Journal the Word BibleReflect, Journal, or Create Art Next to Your Favorite Verses
by Zondervan is a beautiful new bible that is made to not only accommodate personal journaling, but it also a beautifully bound hardcover with a cloth design that will appeal to readers of all ages. The thick cream colored pages, with light lines on the margins leave ample room for writing and even small drawings.There is a new trend of bible journals and bibles with journal space on the market these days. Creativity is a new way to express faith while also building one's knowledge of the word of God. This bible can easily become a treasured keepsake, passed down generation to generation, once it is personalized.
Generous sized margins feature ample space for writing notes, or even for creating your own doodles. There is no limitation to this bible as it allows flexibility for anything. To get some ideas of how to decorate or personalize a journaling bible there are many videos on the internet. This bible will appeal to a wide audience including scrap bookkers, artists, journalists and writers.
One feature is its smaller size text and size in general. Depending on who you are, this may or may not be a positive feature. This bible is portable and light- and easy to read while holding in one hand. Unlike heavier, bulky bibles, this bible is easy to read sitting up in a chair, or with one hand right before bed. With its portable size, comes a smaller font. The text size is slightly smaller than the standard font size of Zondervan bibles. The font is still readable, just not as much as the standard font. Once again this is to allow extra wide lined margins on just about each page to allow for personal journal entries and notes. This is not a devotional or study bible. There are no extra articles or devotions which is a good thing as nothing stands between the reader and God's word.
Now that I have this bible, the hardest thing is to figure out what to do with it since there are so many possibilities. I can not decide if I should take notes, draw doodles, highlight passages or add stickers- or maybe all these things. As beautiful as this bible is, I may just want to leave it as it is and not add anything. So, I'm probably going to take a few days reading this bible until I decide if or how to personalize it. Maybe I will watch a few more videos for inspiration. As a blogger I received a copy of this bible published by Zondervan.
Classic German Baking: The Very Best Recipes for Traditional Favorites, from Pfeffernusse to Streuselkuchen by Luisa Weiss
Classic German Baking: The Very Best Recipes for Traditional Favorites, from Pfeffernusse to Streuselkuchen by Luisa Weiss is a new cookbook dedicated to baking and desserts. This authentic cookbook features actual German recipes: Friesentorte (Plum Cream Torte), Butterkuchen (Butter Almond Cake), Schwarz- Weiss Geback (Checkerboard cookies) and many more. The book features sections for cookies, cakes, yeasted cakes, Tortes, breads and even Christmas. The last section is on the very basics- Quark (Sour Fresh Cheese), Streusel and more foundation recipes. This comprehensive volume in perfect for every level of baking- from the beginner to the advanced chef. This beautiful hard cover volume features thick sturdy pages, and detailed quality photographs. Background information and commentary is provided for all the recipes as well. I am giving this cookbook to my teenager who is in her third year of German language class- as she also enjoys baking as well. This cookbook will transport the reader directly to Germany! As a blogger I received a copy of this book published by Ten Speed Press for the purpose of writing this review.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
The Lords Prayer illustrated by Richard Jesse Watson

Far Afield: Rare Food Encounters from Around the World by Shane Mitchell
Far Afield: Rare Food Encounters from Around the World by Shane Mitchell is a one of a kind hybrid book- a cross between a travel and culture book and and a cookbook. Looking at the cover and title- one might think this is a sociology or book on geography. The subtitle reveals the true extend of this book- a collection of recipes. This recipe book features regional and traditional foods in the context of a documentary or article of a particular geographic area or culture. This book features an eclectic mix of cultures including the Day of the Dead celebration, Fishermen of Kenya, impoverished refugees of France and primitive tribes of India- just to name a few. In an ironic plot twist, impoverished, third world cultures are portrayed as authentic and natural as serene and impressive photos are set side by side photography and recipes for their local ethnic foods. Impoverished and simple cultures are portrayed as having rich cultural roots with a complex mix of foods. The author turns basic, simple, tribal living as upscale, mysterious and even exotic. The reader will think twice about any longstanding stereotypes and preconceived ideas of different cultures. The vivid photography brings faraway places and people close to home. I found this more than just a cookbook, but more of a cultural experience- a glimpse into faraway and overlooked societies. As a blogger I received a copy of this book published by 10 Speed Press for the purpose of writing this review.
THE RADICAL BOOK FOR KIDS by CHAMP THORNTON is a new simplified theological textbook that brings the bible and faith to life with full color graphics, photos and art. This book is a wonderful resource that can be used as an entertaining tool to introduce your child to theology or even as a religious studies textbook. Thornton portrays faith and the bible in one comprehensive picture in order to provide a complete yet simple to understand foundation of faith for young readers of all ages. Even adult readers who read this to their children, may find their understanding of theology to be more complete after reading this book as well. Each page features impressive full color graphics, photos or other visuals, drawing in the attention - readers of all ages. In this age of multi media, and bold graphics- this book reaches out to today's generation of young readers and their parents. This book is divided into short lessons and an index provides a useful starting point if you are looking for something specific. I found this book to represent a vast array of research on the part of Champ Thornton. Most of all, the author's ability to package the material provides an outreach opportunity to share the gospel and theology basics to children as well as their parents. As a blogger for Lifuse publicity, I received a copy of this book published by NG Press for the purpose of writing this review.
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